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Reconnecting with Ourselves, Each Other, and This Land

I come here to listen, to nestle in the curve of the roots in a soft hollow of pine needles, to lean my bones against the column of white pine, to turn off the voice in my head until I can hear the voices outside it: the shhhh of wind in needles, water trickling over rock, nuthatch tapping, chipmunks digging, beechnut falling, mosquito in my ear and something more—something that is not me, for which we have no language, the wordless being of others in which we are never alone.  After the drumbeat of my mother’s heart, this was my first language.  —–Robin Wall Kimmerer, from Learning the Grammar of Animacy


Today we honored the Winter Solstice at Earthseed by spending some intentional time listening:  to ourselves, each other and this land.  In a society that is so chock-full of noise, where we spend so much time in front of THIS screen, taking moments of pause, where we can actually listen carefully, become precious gifts,

We walked intentionally.  We sat quietly on the forest floor.  We listened. We reconnected with our breath.  We heard each other clearer.

We remembered that when we cut through all of the clutter and chatter what is  REALLY most important, is our ability to love ourselves and love each other.  If we don’t get that right, then all the rest seems meaningless and empty. As we mark the end of another exhilaratingly beautiful and excruciatingly heartbreaking year, may we continue to grow our relationships stronger, rooted evermore deeply in the practice of love.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for the support, encouragement and inspiration you’ve offered along the way.

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